A downloadable game for Windows
Play as Nur as she explores new islands and meets new friends! Visit towns, buy cute clothes, fix up your home, help anyone you can along the way… Her journey is filled to the brim with adventure. Nur's agility will be put to the test as she traverses tons of platforming challenges with physics-based obstacles that make the world feel more alive and juicy!
- Tiny voxel game! (30 min to 1 hour)
- Isometric platforming!
- Lot's of physics!
- Dialogue!
- Cute and cozy world!
- Beautiful soundtrack!
DISCLAIMER: This is not a finished game, it's a demo of our idea. Nur is our final academic project that we worked really hard and hope everyone enjoys it!
Sadly, we have deadlines and couldn't keep working on it. The game is unfinished, so play it expecting it to be a little rough around the edges.
Please let us know if you liked the game! This is just a tiny vertical slice of our concept for a bigger game that we might do if we see that people like it.
MADE BY: Carlos Pedroso & Inês Ribeiro
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im done i literally smashed my keyboard 2 times out of frustration
Best voxel game. I like that !
The story is amazing in this! A lesson to get out of our comfort zones 10/10 beautiful!
That game is SUPER CUTE and fun to play.
Great job!
super cute!!!! i would love to play a full length version of this game! i love the anixety part to it. also, i died way more times than i would like to admit.
i love the way evrything is hitboxed in sutch a way that if you want you can get anywhere you want.
i spent the first few minutes trying to jump into the house's balcony from a tree and and i did manage to do that
if the finished version does come out i hope they play into this aspect by hiding colectables in hard to reach paces
7-10 FPS, okay....
Muito bom o jogo e o conceito, porém a física está um pouco difícil de manipular, especialmente com a visão isométrica em pulos. Fiquei 15 minutos preso em um único pulo.
such a cute game <3333 would defintely play a full version if one was ever to be made :D
me too it was very good
This demo was INCREDIBLE, i am definitely buying this game when i comes out, the art and animation and everything was so good, all in all, it was fantastic.
Its lovely and I'd 100% buy the full version should it ever release! The art style was adorable, as was the story, and the physics based platforming was surprisingly fun.
My one complaint was the lack of depth perception due to the isometric style, it made some jumps overly difficult and annoying. Maybe a shadow below the player to show where they are above the ground?
Hope you finish it <3
esse jogo tem uma direçao artitica q eu sinto falta em jogos novos
Oláa! Só para dizer que o jogo está fantástico. Muito fofinho e interessante por abordar a ansiedade e o medo que muitas vezes temos em sair da nossa zona de conforto! Acho que vale a pena, sem dúvida, continuarem o jogo! Parabéns ;))
Adorei o jogo!
Os ambientes em combinação com a música estavam excelentes!
Os tópicos abordados também, acho que poucos jogos abordam a ansiedade e depressão e fico muito contente que o tenham feito com este jogo <3
Espero que continuem a trabalhar neste jogo ou, pelo menos, continuar a trabalhar noutros jogos semelhantes e que abordem os mesmos temas.
Nur está simplesmente fantástico! O jogo é incrível e transmite uma sensação extremamente relaxante e divertida com toda a sua excelente arte, animações e soundtrack, para além de todos os desafios ao longo da subida da montanha, sendo mais difíceis do que parecem e adicionando uma componente desafiadora ao jogo. Adorei imenso puder jogá-lo. Parabéns pelo excelente trabalho!
Nós que agradecemos por um joguinho lindo desse existir.
Me sinto igual o Nur. Já venci a minha zona de conforto. Agora preciso ajudar meus amigos.
Uma historinha simples. Porém que ajuda a ecoar aquele gosto de bondade que tanto gostamos de ver por ai. Adorei. Belissimo trabalho do Carlos, Inês, Marek e Daniel.
I couldn't get out of the house, what am I missing?
Hello, you may have found it by now, but on the first floor bottom left, there is an open doorway you can exit the house through. It looks like an open corridor
The polish on display here is just beyond amazing! Not to mention the detail. You know you're in good hands when houses actually have more than one room, and getting into your room from the door on the balcony is actually accounted for! Gorgeous art, slick soundtrack... and iffy depth perception... guess we can't win them all!
A bit disappointed you don't get anything from climbing to the top of the lighthouse, although I have a smaaall hunch that wasn't supposed to happen hahaha
This was really cute, few tough spots going up the mountain but overall lovely. I hope there will be more Nur adventures. :)
What did I do? :)
My brother was gaming on insta and I sanded him the video cause he was lost on how to jump on the mountains x
Ah... and he made it up the mountain? :)
Yeah took him some time xD
Its so cute, but harder than it looks.
Omg yes , I literally needed to jump for 5 hours straight and still haven't passed the checkpoint :,(
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so sweet
Amazing game dev :D i hope you enjoy my gameplay
Fun small demo,I could see, without a doubt, a full game out of this idea! Well done and keep it on.
couldn't get my PS4 controller to not bug out, but nice colorful game.